Welcome to the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin - NCAD Gallery & NCAD In Public Programmes web portal.
The NCAD Gallery venue operates a publicly accessible events and exhibition programme supporting practices in art, design, visual culture and transdisciplinary research that engages critical questions surrounding global challenges and propositions we encounter in contemporary life today, located on the National College of Art and Design, Dublin campus.
NCAD In Public is the overarching public events programme web portal descriptor for the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin. All events listed on the NCAD In Public website are accessible for public audiences to attend - this includes conferences, symposia, talks and exhibitions, and incorporates programme listings for the NCAD Gallery.
Anne Kelly, NCAD Curator

Anne Kelly, cultural practitioner, is the curator at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin (NCAD, 2011-) where she operates the NCAD Gallery with particular emphasis on transdisciplinary integrated public programming aligned to institution-specific research directions, the commissioning of new work and fostering of collaborative creative partnerships. As well as, working cross-departmentally and lecturing on the School of Visual Culture elective programme. She is a National College of Art and Design, Dublin, BA Fine Art and Trinity College Dublin MSc Comp Sci Multimedia Systems graduate, and recipient of Arts Council of Ireland, CREATE: National Development Agency for Collaborative Arts, Culture Ireland and County Council artist practice funding awards.
She is a researcher on the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) - ESR for MSCA Rise Research Action: Spatial Practices in Art and Architecture for Empathetic Exchange, 2020-2024.
SpaceX-RISE responds to the troubling rise of populist nationalism and conflict in European societies by engaging new publics and forging a culture that embraces diversity, difference, and discursive exchange within cities, towns and urban sites.